Make the Calendar View more Intuitive
Matt Langlois
We are using the Calendar view as our main calendar for our team. When we have many tasks on a single day, it becomes VERY difficult to identify which day is which as the number for the day is at the bottom right of the calendar and is very small and hard to see.
It would be ideal to have this very prominent in the calendar box (Month view).
In addition, it would be nice to see better separation on the different weeks/days as it kind of looks like a big blend sometimes.
Also, the "+ x more" is no very prominent either, so it's very easy to miss tasks.
Lastly, it would be nice if "Today" was highlighted a bit better, I find it hard to even find the current day easily. It should really stand out more and when you press "today" to jump to today's date, not just this month. It should flash on the current day so it's very clear which day is today (animation), rather than having to now scroll around to find today.
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Adding to the list of features requested in OP
+ Vertical auto-scale when packing on custom field toggles in W/D/4-day view. Currently, it's cropping important information when a task is too short in duration.
+ Manual scaling/zooming for hours as referenced in this post
This is the information I was looking for. I probably need the ability to see a year or at least half a year.
Richard Taylor
Agree. Also must be able to scroll from month to month. Everyone want this feature. Just do it!
Emily Airey
Agreed. If it could scroll week by week in month view too so you can see part of two separate months in one, rather than just one whole month then the next whole month.
Kelcey Hesse
The ability to shift the order of the tasks (for priority purposes) on each day on the calendar would be pretty awesome, too.
Peter freed
Recurring tasks on Calendar need to be brought "up to industry standards" as set by Google Calendar. Specifically, on Google Calendar when you change the time of a single instance of a recurring task (e.g., cancelling a recurring Monday meeting on Labor Day), it asks you to choose "this event" "this and following events" "all events" as shown in the attached screenshot.
CickUp lacks anything like this, and to get the equivalent of "this event" requires around 10 clicks and 3 minutes of my time --- I have to end "this event" at the last instance and then duplicate it and start it on the next instance in order to leave a gap on this instance (or merely change the time on this instance, which is even more of a nightmare since I have to make a 1-off exception).
Even worse, on list view this makes a single recurring task look like 2 different tasks, the one ending on the last instance and the other beginning on the next instance. And of course if I am merely changing the time rather than cancelling this event the list view shows
tasks when there is "really" just a single recurring task at different times on different days. I passionately, deeply, yearningly hope ClickUp gets together a focus group of power-users of the Calendar view and creates a task-force that can rethink and rework Calendar view to make it --- like so much of the rest of ClickUp --- an industry leader, rather than what Calendar view currently is, which is an industry laggard.
You can do this ClickUp! We believe in you.
Matt Langlois
Peter freed : GREAT point! Completely agree!
Sandra Diaz
I wish the calendar view was a little better too, but it's hard for me to say what would make it better. Agreed, when there are many tasks and some get hidden, that's not ideal. But if the cell expanded indefinitely, that would not look great either. Perhaps if the size of the task within was smaller or less wide, then more could fit. I also would like it if it default scrolled to "today" on the month view because when you have many items on the calendar and you are near month end, that would mean you do not have to scroll down. And Agreed, the Today box is highlighted very faintly, I guess it could glow harder. I feel like dark mode isn't the best for this view and it would be a little easier on the eyes to toggle, but who wants to have to go to settings each time? I know I wouldn't.
Faraz Khaliq
It’d be good to be able to decide what view you want - eg 2 days or 3 days - same flexibility as in google calendar
Gemma Brine
Could we have just a 'Working Hours' option rather than full 24 hours. Our normal working hours are 08.00 to 18.00.
Peter freed
Gemma Brine: Amen. Let us set our working hours day-by-day!
Alfie Baxter
Thanks for sharing. But I have a question that how can we enhance the visibility of individual days in the Calendar view, especially when there are multiple tasks on a single day?
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