Make rollups from relationships available for formula fields
Rodd Myers
It doesn't seem there is a way to add the values for a rollup field. It would be great to be able to use rollup field values from relationships in formula fields.
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I kindly request the addition of this feature. This functionality is crucial for my workflow, and I have explored every possible workaround within ClickUp, but none of them fully meet my needs.
This enhancement would be highly valuable for many users who rely on accurate calculations and real-time data aggregation from related tables/lists. Please consider implementing this feature as soon as possible.
Mitchell Rand
Like others have said, this function ALONE would allow us to migrate from Airtable. Please implement this.
Belle Niba
When can we expect this. For Clickup to be efficient we need to leverage relationships. However, not having this feature is fast becoming a real headache for us. One of our use cases is with how we track our marketing campaigns. We want to be able to calculate an ROI based on the revenue generated from deals closed. We do a rollup that pulls in the revenue of all linked deals that closed. However, we can't use that number to do a calculation.
Kamil Boberek
It will be a lifesaver and help me to move from Airtable completely.
Silke Turner
Please implement this asap!
Gail Marek
AGREED 100%! We track inventory in ClickUp between two lists, one list has items In Stock, the other list in a Master Item Record. On the Master Item Records, we set minimum, maximum, and ideal inventory quantity levels. On the In Stock tasks we have a relationship to relate each In Stock task to a Master Item Record. Right now we're using a manual (visual) process to compare current In Stock quantities to our ideal quantity levels. It would be FANTASTIC to be able to use a formula with a rollup field, and something like an IF statement, to somehow flag In Stock tasks that have quantities below the Master Item Record ideal or minimum quantity settings. This is especially important as we grow and expand our inventory... because it would be detrimental to run out of inventory without realizing it!
Nicolas Ganache
Could you please add this functionality in order for example to calculate the the remaining budget (total budget - expenses).
I exploring because of this lack of basic function in Clickup.
This has been an issue since 2021, I guess they dont care.
Laura Vucic
I am so shocked to see this isn't available! It make's it almost impossible to complete proper job costing across jobs when you are wanting to track specific costs and not have a million custom fields
Shannon Kiefer
VITAL! Still very much needed please!! We have raw materials in separate sections (jars, lids, fragrances) with costs, weights, etc. - We need to mix-and-match those items together for different projects, roll-up and add their respective costs and weights together.
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