Make due date more prominent
Mollie Henderson
For tasks that are actual tasks, it's very hard to find the due date in this new view
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Ivan Villa
Jose Batista Abikarram
It would be awesome too if we could see them in Standard Date format as defined by our user preferences instead of "Today" or "Wednesday"! The amount of custom formulas and weird work arounds I have to do to get this is crazy considering standard dates are so common.
Ivan Villa
in progress
The Due Date jumping around when I delete the old one and then want to set a new one really bothers me. The whole "heading" area should be improved. Too much white space, and it feels not logical/intuitive.
The first videos I saw of the header of the 3.0 lists have the same problem, if I could see it right. I would challenge the design of the whole "header" (name + core properties) concept.
Ivan Villa
Merged in a post:
Move remove due date x closer to the date
Meagan Beltekoglu
It's too far away
Ivan Villa
Team is starting to look at how we can refine things here
Peter Papadimitriou
Keep statuses eg Priority, Due Date etc visible when the SideBar appears. (ASANA works this way). At the moment these field disappear creating more effort to manage tasks.
Nathaniel Cassidy
I think the new date view works but the reason that it perhaps feels less prominent is the icons for task elements that haven't been added should be lower in the hierarchy than task elements that have been added and the task name.
Nick Kadutskyi
I actually like how they removed all the field while you can click on icons in the top to add them.
But, sometimes there are fields that you use a lot and it might be useful to have them always "in place".
In my case I have lists where I would like both approaches so it brings the need to define default task view per location in a workspace.
For instance in a space where I have all the projects I would like to have dates and priorities being visible all the time. And in a list where I have a list of companies I am working with I would keep it as an icon in the top.
It can be similar how we can pin custom fields.
Kelly Neyland
I agree! What I'm finding is that if the due date has not been added, I'm spending time looking at the open task, trying to find the due date, then realizing it doesn't have one, then looking for the icon so I can add a due date.
Status and Assigned to fields seem to be persistent. I would suggest having the start/due date field persistent as well so that the top row is always: Status, Assigned to, Dates. Then below that would be the fields we may or may not have (time estimated/tracked, tags, etc.)
Lars Bauer
Kelly Neyland: It would be helpful if space/folder/list owners could pin those fields that should always be visible and determine the order in which they appear (as is already possible for custom fields). For example: For certain projects, time estimate is important and should be persistent as well, for others, it should be optional. Also, it would help orientation if owners could determine the order in which the fields are listed - the current order is quite confusing; see suggestion in attached screenshot.
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