Link to top parent task from any nested sub-tasks
Sam Baron
I want to be able to easily access the top parent task from any sub-task no matter whether sub-tasks are nested within sub-tasks. This is needed for highly nested projects.
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Ivan Villa
Stefano Iavarone
Sean Kilcullen This is also needed in the API to avoid looping multiple API calls when we receive a webhook from a child and need the top-most parent task.
Sam Baron
Michał Kużdżał I wonder if this would be considered done because you can access the top parent task from the subtask sidebar. That meets my need unless users are expecting some other way to access the top parent task, like as a breadcrumb above the task title.
Michał Kużdżał
Sean Kilcullen any updates ? it has been in progress for almost a year now.
To easily access the top parent task from any sub-task, you can assign a unique identifier or code to each task in your project hierarchy, and include this identifier in the task names or descriptions. Then, you can use a search or filter function to find the parent task based on its identifier or code. Another option is to use a project management software that supports task dependencies and allows you to view the entire project hierarchy, such as Asana, Trello, or Jira. With these tools, you can easily navigate through nested sub-tasks and view their parent tasks.
Sam Baron
Sean Kilcullen: That's fantastic!! I'm very excited to start working with 3.0 after participating in LevelUp.
Sean Kilcullen
in progress
We have this feature in Task 3.0! This version of the task view is in Beta and will be rolled out to customer this year more broadly.
Isaac Svensson
Sean Kilcullen Looking forward to this. I am creating a client-facing view for my projects but they can see the subtask's status, but there's no way for them to see the topmost parent task to see which project we're actually talking about. It will be a huge quality of life improvement when we can see which project a subtask is related to.