Keep Date Field at top of Taskv3
Odette Toppin
It is not helpful to have the date field drop down to the task description area once a date is assigned. This creates additional clicking when the date needs to be adjusted. Please leave the date field visible/accessible at the top of the task whether it is set or not.
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Ivan Villa
Sarah Wise
Would also like to make "Date Closed" field visible at the top of the Task Details page as well. I can only view it in the Activity section by scrolling or in the overall List View.
Natalie Williams
I preferred the 2.0 layout where the Date Created/ Time Est./ Time Tracked/ Start/Due Dates stayed fixed when scrolling down a task. Moving those items up to between the 'Date Created' and 'Share' sections on the 3.0 tasks would free up so much space (why is there so much whitespace in the section above the description anyway?) and make those items fixed so they're instantly there whenever you need them. If setting dates on subtasks in 3.0 you can't see the main task start/due dates, which isn't great for efficiency.
Julian Pustkuchen
Totally agree!
Again and again my eyes are searching for:
- Assigned
- Due Date
in the top bar beneath the other icons until I finally see it below.
I think this separation should be revised for better intuitive UX!
Ivan Villa
in progress
Working on a way to reduce extra clicks here!