Mrs Schonfeld
Auto create invoices from timesheet (tracked time), and do the calculations according to pre-assigned settings such as certain tags/projects/clients are charged at different rates, so it automatically calculates the total hours by the hourly rate. It should keep track of times already billed and payment received (via connection to payment method?) - basic accounting for self employed, small scale business.
Tamal Sen
Invoice system would be a great addition to convert billable timesheet into an invoice for our employees. Please consider adding it. Already 1.3k people are interested in this.
Donna Biroczky
Invoices would be huge. Doesn't need to be an entire accounting system, but basic invoices so we can keep them in a customer portal/folder and track. It's the only thing I have to use another tool for.
Jamie Walker
We don't want a fully fledged invoice system, I just want a better way to export out time spent on tasks for that folder/list each month without duplicating the time exported.
cool but all we really need is to be able to export a doc with an embedded view. we have pretty much everything else already. well, except decent templating, but you're working on that too I guess.
of us don't want to export to some other app; we want one app to replace them all...B
Bek G
please add invoicing!
Daniel Antoniów
And you do not have a connection with other invoice systems, maybe it will be better, because it allows you to use specialized solutions for invoices and accounting, and CLICK UP only serves as a place to send and check whether payment has been made, etc.
Kasper Dam
Michael: Not directly in clickup, but docsautomator and clickup has a native integration for this now without any need for zaps and middleware. I've used it a bit, and seems good so far. Really convenient.
MERGE REQUEST: https://clickup.canny.io/feature-requests/p/invoices Luci N. And tangentially, there are a bunch of requests for integrating various third (second?) party invoicing software. Maybe merge all of those somehow? Not into the above linked request - I mean into their own, separate invoice integration request.
Luci N.
Michael: Thank you, Michael! I will check out the different invoicing software too to see which ones can be merged together.
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