Increment the name of a recurring task on each iteration
Vincent Camerano
Would be amazing to be able to have something like "My Recurring Task #1" increment to "My Recurring Task #2" on the next iteration.
This could maybe be achieved through variables. If the recurring task's name contains a "#", it will automatically increment it.
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Sarah Schwarz
This feature would be amazing for my business, and for that matter a lot of service based businesses that have monthly recurring tasks. For me as a bookkeeper at a glance it would be handy to see which months are outstanding.
Vikas Garg
A much-needed feature!
Shreyansh Jain
I can help me create an automation in which clickbot creates a task with following properties:
Name- Journal Today: (TODAY'S DATE) with start date as today and due date also as today. Task type as journal and appropriate tags.
Another eg. Name- Read Newspaper: (TODAY'S DATE), with a task template with appropriate prompts to help me engage with my task and retain it better.
Automation for adding task template, tags etc, custom task type is intuitive but I am unable to set dates to achieve my objective here.
Damian Connors
This could be done with automations maybe? Instead of set custom field to value, increment/decrement custom field by x. Then we wouldn't have to deal with changing task names and we could get the same outcome. I would use this for workout tracking, where I have week number as a custom field.
Gus Habeeb
Yes, this would be very helpful, as having the same name for mutiple tasks would be creating a lot of confusion
Daniel Kedinger
This would be great!! +1 for this feature.
Emily Laura Inman
I would love this also, we do tax returns and set them up to recur annually. We get confused which year they relate to when the recur, and have to manually enter the tax year each time. Would be great if the description could update on recurrence
Tracy Ralston
Totally Agree! This would be a game changer! We are a medical billing office that has multiple clients - each are set up with recurring tasks for Daily/Weekly/Monthly activities. It would be a life-saver if we didn't have to go in and add the date to the month. For Example -
Dr. Smith - 06/15 Daily activities
Dr. Smith - 06/16 Daily activities get the picture. We do it manually now as it is tedious to look for Completed tasks by "Due Date" or "Date Closed".
Elaine Sims
Yes! I use recurring tasks all the time and to be able have the task name auto update with the next period would be fabulous
Sid Tewari
Merged in a post:
Change task name of recurring task
Cheyene Gorman
[from CS ticket]
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