It'd be amazing if, when dragging items from an existing list to a sprint list, there'd be an option to default to adding to list as opposed to moving from the home list.
Even better if it was a little smarter when working with Sprints. i.e. the "home" list shouldn't change, but you should be able to drag from one Sprint to another.
I'd think that most people working from "home" lists in projects would want to just drag and drop items from those lists into future Sprints (think: Epics/Features and Projects views as "home" and then dragging into Sprints).
Obviously this can be done with the Multitask toolbar, but for people who are less of a Clickup geek, they definitely prefer drag and drop.
Currently it is a pain when you need to bump a task from one Sprint to another without messing up the home list. i.e. I need to drag a task that lives in "My Project" list from "Sprint 1" to "Sprint 2" without removing it from "My Project".
Another solution could be that when you drag a task on top of a list, you could have two drop areas that are maybe color-coded and/or with icons that show "Add to list" or "Move to list" so it's clear what you're about to do.