Holiday Table
Drag Ivko
Organization and Space admins should be able to set up Holiday Table so that warning is issued if one attempts to schedule a task during the holiday.
Holiday table could as well be used to set up "freeze period", etc..
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Tamu Kehormatan
still waiting for this feature
currently clickup still counting overdue task by calendar level, while in reality the task should counting on working days only. set up holiday table will be really cool stuff.
looking forward for it.
Samuel Schneider
Yeah, that'd be great. It would also be good to be able to ignore repeated tasks with this function.
Kyle Schmitt
Ohhhh, being able to create "blackout dates" for a team or space would be awesome!
I could see this being useful team-wide but also for each individual member as well. They could black out dates they know they'll be out of office or otherwise unable to work on tasks and it could trigger a warning to anyone trying to assign them a task that falls within those dates.
Like in Slack, you can set up work hours and days off to to avoid notifications.
Drag Ivko
Not necessarily, this needs to be a organization or system or space wide holiday table.
User's availability should be set on the profile level outside of the holiday table
Nicolas Katte
I'd like to add to this, that there is no real functionality for scheduling appointments. They can be faked by using "start date" and "due date", but that's overkill just to communicate an appointment via clickup.
Alan Ballany