Hide task history
From support: It would be nice if you could hide the task history and only see comments in the right side of the task view.
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Ivan Villa
This was solved with 3.0 auto-hide activity history. We only show up to 2 before automatically hiding.
I can't believe this has been an open item for so long. Clickup's UI is way too cluttered and the change history is the most cluttered element of all. Considering that it takes up 30% of the task real estate, I just don't understand the reasoning for keeping it w/o the option to at least hide the changes or better yet, hide / toggle the entire panel.
Florian Schardt
- I am supporting the idea to have/set default filters for a task history (could apply to one task or all tasks in a space/folder/list).
- Another idea to reduce the amount of irrelevant information in the history: When changing due dates, statuses, custom text fields during a meeting, each change is recorded in the history. During a meeting it can happen that the due date is changed multiple times (especially when using drag&drop in Gantt during the discussion). It would be good to have an option to only record the final change. It could be implemented with a timer, for example. If an information is again changed within a time interval of (e.g.) 10 minutes, only the final change is recorded.
Geane B Vasconcelos
I vote to hide the task history
Jeannine Tuchscherer
This! If we could display/hide (similar to Hide Closed), that would be awesome!
I agree! While this feature may be useful for teams, I believe it is unnecessary for user who use Click-Up for themselves only, and should therefore be made optional.
Gustaaf Haan
The current update log is visual clutter: every change ever made to the task, whether relevant or not. Takes up a lot of screen space with hardly any use value.
It would already be helpful if the filter option could be made default for all tasks, so that you don't have to change the filter every time you want to get rid of all the historical details. Most users will probably want to see an overview of comments, nothing more.
And of course: please show latest updates on top by default. Latest news is always more interesting than going back to the big bang of a task. Thanks a lot!
Orla Gleeson
I would also like to see this development please. I would like the option to control who sees the task history. I need to share a project now with a client and unfortunately because the task history is showing it's proving a problem.
When I share a task, the history serves no purpose. I agree that just seeing comments would be more useful and visually pleasing. The person I am sharing the task with doesn't need to see my work. In fact, I would rather that be an option to share or not share.
Exactly. I am using my comments as a way to store quotes that I am collecting during research. I want those to be at the top. Seeing what I did could go into a folder that I could open if I needed to check.
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