Grouping of email notifications
Michal Hampl
Any chance to set email notifications so they are groupped as one conversation in regular email clients like Outlook etc... There can be easily tons of emails of notifications regarding the same task which are shown on many lines in list at the same time when regular thread of emails are groupped into one line...
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Brendan W
Hey, everyone! 👋
We've heard your feedback, and we want to hear even more!
If you're passionate about Notifications and want to share what you're thinking, we'd love for you to take this survey to help us make Notifications even better!
Brendan W
Merged in a post:
Save moved cards after 2-3 seconds
Ozan Karacanta
I just noticed that my product managers screen is small and she is moving cards one by one in Board View. Because of that I receive 4-5 mails for each tasks. Let's say my task is on "In Progress" column. She moves it to 3RD Party, On review, Canceled and finally Closed column. And I receive a notification mail for each one. Maybe you guys can set 3 seconds to save a transaction within the page.
Brendan W
John Prem Kumar S
Really need this feature
Brendan W
Hey, everyone! 👋
We've heard your feedback, and we want to hear even more!
If you're passionate about Notifications and want to share what you're thinking, we'd love for you to take this survey to help us make Notifications even better!
Santiago Fontana
Brendan W: Thank you. Completed survey.
Becca Stach
This is really needed! When is this scheduled to take place?
Would love it if we could choose to have an end of day email that shows the summary of activity based on your notifications setting.
Mitch van Giersbergen
Would really love this!
Ali Makhmali
This is really becoming a big problem as it results in missing some notifications and not being able to follow. Please consider this with priority.
Stuart Clough
Notifications are far and away the biggest negative with Click-up. Its a storm of pings and emails. And I (and team) have culled down the number of notifications to the bare minimum. Please, Please, Please take action to bring these changes into action.
Stuart Clough
ANOTHER way to manage this would be to put notification updates in a FREEZE mode. So as soon as you make a change to a particular task, any changes NOT notified. As you update the dates, the assignees, the priorities, add some comments, attach a file, add some subtasks. All the stuff you do with a task as it is established.
Then 5 minutes has elasped without any changes the FREEZED changes THAW and are released as a single notification related to that task with the changes grouped as suggested by Michal.
Presently, about 5-6 different notifications can be triggered for a single new/copied/updated task. When ONE is needed. A 5 minute delay on receipt of notification is not going to ruin anyones day. But having 1/5th the number of notifications IS going to increase the chance that people will pay attention to the notifications and will act on them.
Rodrigo Nascimento
Any news on this matter? Group emails by title is an easy thing to do, just a new email header.
It's really hard to follow what's happening when the events are spread in many different emails about the same task. Group by title is not the best solution but it would solve 90% of the issue right away.
Please, consider doing this little improvement that will helps managers a lot.
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