Group by location in CFM
Nate Goff
It would be helpful to have the CF Manager allow you to group by location when looking at All Custom Fields.
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Caroline Ginty
Hi voters! You now have the ability in Custom Field Manager to group by "Location type", which will show you which fields are created at the Workspace, Space, Folder, and List levels. I'll keep this request open as this is not the exact functionality of grouping by specific Locations, but I wanted to bring it to your attention. Let me know your feedback!
Caroline Ginty
Thanks for the feedback, Nate! Would you expect this to group by all locations, i.e., a CF that appears in multiple Spaces, Folders, or Lists would appear under each of those locations, or something else?
Nate Goff
Caroline Ginty: yes. So I can look at each space and will see each CF is being used easily.
Caroline Ginty
Nate Goff: Thanks for the feedback - I've added this as a potential refinement. In the meantime, have you tried using the Hierarchy sidebar to navigate to a specific Space to view those fields, or used the Location filter functionality to see only those fields for a particular Space?