Gantt Charts v3
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Juan Grandas
We know how critical the Gantt chart is for many of you, and we’ve heard your feedback loud and clear. We’re committed to making meaningful improvements, and your input is essential in shaping these changes.
To ensure we’re addressing the right areas, we invite you to take a short survey about zoom levels and timescale headings in the Gantt. Your feedback will directly influence the updates we’re planning.
Thank you for helping us make the Gantt chart better for everyone.
Stelios Tzivakis
The Clickup Gantt unfortunately is far left behind of the usefulness a gantt chart should have.
I agree with all the requests that other clickupers state and i will add one more that is really a pain and practically with no use.
In the case of a nested workflow (mine is a 188 tasks in a hierarchy mode (3 levels deep) that supports construction projects there is no way to have the expanded all tasks view.
Furthermore i cannot use custom dates that are usefull to my projects
So i have to use the api and extract everything and use another tool.
Of course this leads to serious versioning problems especially for projects like this
Sam Clark
Custom Date Fields for Gantt Chart Bars:
I’d like the ability to assign custom date fields to Gantt chart bars, allowing them to represent a specific date range rather than defaulting to the task’s Start and End dates.
My team is an external contributor to projects, and the organization does not want to create subtasks for our portion of the work. However, visualizing our workload within ClickUp is essential. Currently, I have to export dates to an external tool, which adds unnecessary work and versioning issues.
Allowing Gantt bars to be based on custom date fields would provide flexibility for different teams to track their timelines without altering the core project structure.
Thank you for considering this enhancement!
Also, if here is a workaround anyone has figured out for this type of situation, please let me know!
Adel Abdallah
Yes please support different Gantt chart zoom and font sizes to allow users to export Gannt Charts to documents or presentations and still be readable at a high level. Currently, the font is super small and meant for internal ClickUp users.
Guy Mannerings
Can we please get the option to set our own scales on Gantt view?
E.g., I want Year/Month, Year/Week, and Month/Day, but these are not possible.
Also, the scale should not change automatically if we zoom in and out. I want it to leave the scale and for me to be able to freely set my zoom. The scale should only change if
manually change it.Guy Mannerings
Juan Grandas I really find the headers on Gantt view to be incredibly hard to read.
- In general, the top row and second row should be different colours to each other AND the chart below.
Say slightly dark grey, and lighter grey.
This is to differentiate them from each other and the chart below.
Right now, they just get lost.
- The text is hard to read and quickly see what is going on.
E.g., on Month view, the Month and year are at either side of each section.
E.g., 4-10, 11-17. I know these mean the dates, but it's really not that clear in a quick way to your brain because they are just numbers. Suggest 4th - 10th, 11th - 17th, etc.
Compare Gantt to Timeline view, which is easy to read and also is a different colour, so is separate from the chart below.
(See attached image.)
Also, it would be really great to get a scale of Year broken in to Months, not Quarters.
I.e., the same scale as the "Quarters" view, but as Year broken in to Months instead of Quarters.
Juan Grandas
Guy Mannerings
Thank you for your detailed feedback on the Gantt view—it’s always appreciated.
We’ve recently finalized designs for a Gantt canvas redesign which should address the visual weight and readability issues you mentioned, making it easier to distinguish headers from the chart and improving the overall experience.
Customization is a key focus for us. Filtering will be our next priority, with additional timescales (e.g., year-to-month) and overlay options (improved color-by functionality) also on our radar.
Thanks again, for your input. As we prepare to release more advanced scheduling functionality, Gantt performance and usability remains top of mind.
Florencia Pocetti
Add milestones/specific dates in gantt view (for example, it would help for projects with a fixed delivery date, end of contract, planned deploy, etc)
We are currently creating a task on the list to mark these dates, but it would be more intuitive to add as a vertical line on a specific date
Florencia Pocetti
Visualize Sprints in the gantt's calendar!
Melanie von Schorlemer
It would be good to have a Portfolio Gantt Chart as a card in the dashboard to see the timelines of all projects at once in the dashboard.
Gemma Warren
The ability to set a Benchmark and version these with a date so you can view Gantt vs. Benchmark to see how you are tracking visually.
Temi Akingbuwa
The critical path feature is not intuitive at all. It is pretty much useless on a portfolio/space view as it does not seem to work across projects. It also seems that it only works on a project level where linked dependencies are a maximum of a day apart, this obviously will not be the case in 90% of plans making this feature useless in its current state. Very happy to provide more details around how this can work effectively if there is a chance for this.
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