Speaking of V3 with the new Gant chart view, one feature/option I would love to see comes from Clarizen. They have embedded intuitive traffic lighting based on a expected progress throughout their entire product, what ever you are looking at will have a relatable Red/Yellow/Green whether its a project, milestone, task, subtask... it gives an immediate visual status of whether the task is on track from a scheduling perspective. I can't see this being embedded throughout ClickUp on the List or Board view but the Gant Chart view definitely and even the Time view. It's all based on Start Date, Due Date and Expected Progress then the appropriate color is applied through an algorithm or conditional formatting automatically, the only variation is the resource time commitment to the task, if they are 50% committed then the traffic lights takes that into consideration when it's calculating expected progress (I don't use resource commitment levels so disregard this as part of the feature request). The information this provides is, from a progress perspective my task might be 50% complete in regards to Effort, but my expected progress should be 75% therefore my schedule metric is Yellow. The traffic lights must be applied automatically and based on 'conditional formatting' to replace the manually applied color coding. I don't color code my projects in any meaningful way so I don't use this ClickUp feature, but intuitive traffic lights gives me immediate feedback using the universally understood Red, Yellow, Green.