Enable more clickapps in Personal List
Shreyansh Jain
Hi, the personal list is a very good addition and will replace the need for todoist or any other task manager for extremely mundane things like shopping lists, etc.
This can also be used as in-tray (refer: GTD) but lacks some core functionality for that. For CLARIFYING the items we need more clickapps to create necessary connections and then organize it into the relevant lists.
Suggestion from my side:
Please make it possible to enable a few more clickapps in personal lists.
I understand minimum required but please don't restrict us to maximum usable.
This is specially noticeable with Time Estimate and its slash command.
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Michael Van Doorn
Hey, everyone!
I'd love to hear which ClickApps you'd like to see enabled in Personal List! Can you provide some additional details and the problems you're facing?
While we will look to enable full customizability of ClickApps in the future, turning on individual ClickApps as a default is much more readily available.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Shreyansh Jain
Hey Michael Van Doorn:
For now, what comes to my mind is:
- enable the tasks in personal lists to show on assigned to me card
- enabling time estimates
- enabling sprint points (to capture sprint natured tasks-not completely necessary in first go though)
- as Ivan Avin rightly pointed out that the tasks must me visible on calendar
- enabling it on mobile is a must as right now it's completely of no use as when I perform personal tasks, I am generally away from my pc/laptop
- Please add the list to chrome extension (it feels completely out of loop to me) :-)
For now, the personal list is completely disjoint of whole ecosystem and can only work as a next action reminder for me (but then that also has lots of resistance associated to it, I have no idea why)
UPDATE (9th January 2024): The tasks are being shown on "assigned to me" card on home. Check assignee if not visible.
Michael Van Doorn
Shreyansh Jain: Thank you for the details!
RE: "enable the tasks in personal lists to show on assigned to me card";
This should be the case already! If you're not seeing this behavior I'd recommend reaching out to our Support team (help@clickup.com) so we can investigate this as a bug.
RE: enabling Personal List on mobile:
We're on it! Making some improvements before we launch.
In regards to showing your Tasks in Calendar view (and other views), would you want this functionality in the standard Hierarchy (say Everything level) even if you could create Calendar Views within your Personal List? Or would you prefer this items to be treated separately as they are today?
Thanks for the callout on the Chrome Extension, we'll get that on the roadmap!
Shreyansh Jain
Hello Michael Van Doorn: Thank You updating me here know about personal list tasks in assigned to me card. After reading your design choices, I embarrassingly found that the task was not assigned to me. Generally all my tasks throughout my workspace are automatically assigned by clickbot according to automation rules.
I have a suggestion to please automatically assign items in personal list to 'me' or allow automations clickapp here.
Moreover, Thank You for asking my ideas regarding the personal list. Find them here:
1: In regards to personal list tasks on calendar:
I would like it to work as any other google calendar (ability to show or hide the list items on calendar to create separation between work and personal items)
2: I regards to functionality within the hierarchy:
I would like the tasks to show on everything level to actually plan stuff on through different views like gantt, timeline, etc.
3: My workflow use case:
In my general workflow use case, when I brainstorm something, I usually come up with a few tasks related to the project. However, there are often irrelevant or personal tasks, that come to mind as well. I want to quickly record these without disrupting my workflow. I want to capture these irrelevant tasks in my personal list.
4: My own image of personal list:
I perceive the personal list as a quick capture list that is independent of other lists. This list is used to quick capture irrelevant items those crept in my mind while brainstorming or doing other stuff. The list functions like a togglable list everywhere on the clickup app (kindly refer screenshot attached)
5: My ideal workflow for quick capture:
My ideal workflow for quick capture involves using the last list I used as the default list when capturing tasks from anywhere. To add a task to the personal list, I can simply use a '/' quick command to temporarily switch to the personal list. Using the same command again will turn off the personal list toggle. If the toggle is off, my tasks will be captured to the last used list (kindly refer screenshot attached).
Quick capture command can be simple: /perl...... or /plist (has to be distinguished from mention a person)
6: Separation between personal tasks and quick captures in personal lists is done through a custom field (still planned but not finalized yet because of no '/' slash commands for custom fields)
In summary, I want to treat the personal list just like any other space, but with the ability to toggle its existence on or off in views. Additionally, I want to access it separately through the home page to create a clear separation of tasks and easily jot down notes. Some changes to quick capture task UI is also suggested.
Ivan Avin
I completely support this initiative!
For some reason, tasks in the personal list do not appear in the Calendar, which is hilarious. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon.