Embed diagrams in doc
Alessandro Caprarelli
GitLab/Github wikis give the possibility to render plantuml/mermaidjs diagrams. It would be awesome to have the same feature.
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Filipe Estacio
This would be an amazing feature for us and a big plus for fully moving away from other document services.
Kamil Boberek
This would be a great feature for software development teams.
Dallen Baldwin
This is one of the biggest features tempting me away from ClickUp, to GitLab/GitHub
Sam Hearn
Please guys, we need this, the rest of the product is really top notch. But—I'm missing this feature.
Steve de Peijper
I would love to see this! +1
André Goulart
Workaround: You can embed the mermaid from elsewhere!
Brief tutorial: https://doc.clickup.com/d/h/3kc4x-11653/4c4342719191c9f
Kudos to Seasu
André Goulart
Of course it's not a great solution, but it might help those in despair!
In the meanwhile, let's hope the actual feature gets implemented soon.
André Goulart
Mads Peter Jensen
This would be a nice feature to get in clickup docs. I need it daily.
Hiroyuki Takahashi/高橋拡行(Tapクラウドシステム開発部)
I love to see clickup supporting mermaidjs especially sequence diagram. it is crazy thing to write such diagrams with current doc feature with clickup
Nathan Caracho
I need it... it is a easy feature to implement
Blake Cabalka
+1 for mermaid as well
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