Drag and Drop Columns (Group by) in Board View
Siobhan Wheelan
I would like to be able to change the order of the columns in Board View. Currently I have my Board Grouped by Tag, and the columns seem to be in the order I created the tag. I would like to be able to drag and drop the columns in the order that makes sense for my workflow.
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Laszlo Zagyva
I have a board grouped by Statuses in a folder.
In the folder options I change the order of statuses but that does not affect the order of columns.
This should be a basic feature.
Especially when I use it as a weekly planner (grouped by due date) it would be amazing if I could but the column with no due date to the front as a backlog. That would be amazing.
Marty Shmanka
This is such a basic feature that I wonder how Clickup does not have it after all these years. Just look at Trello boards - mush better display and functionality. You can move columns with ease.
Jimbo Mercer
Please change this... we need to be able to reorder the board view columns.
Jimbo Mercer
Mine are grouped by task type and it seems there is absolutely no way to re-order or edit. Kills the value of visual representation in the board view
Hard to believe it doesn't have this BASIC feature. (Although it's got the "grab" icon that makes it seem like you can drag and drop.)
Ryan Lindsley
I was about to jump from Monday to Clickup, and not being able to simply rearrange columns in board view in any order I want is a big downgrade! It seems just a standard Kanban board feature!
Ryan Lindsley Yep. The only reason I'm not using Monday is because they don't have a single-user plan.
Brian Shen
Merged in a post:
feature to change the order of columns on a board
Aaron Hurlock
I have organized boards by case type and priority. Sometimes I realize that some of my columns (case steps) with cards might need to be restructured. The only way I have found to do this on a boards is to physically rename each column (case step) and move the cards around to change the order. I would like an option to assigned a number to each column on a board so I can automatically have them appear in a different order when the need arises. My concept in click up is that the board is a case type. The columns are the case steps and the cards in each column/case step show which cases are at which point. Sometimes things change in my field. I need to ad new steps or structure my columns based on how things are progressing at the government. Please ad a feature to reorder columns and carry the cards in each column when the column order is implemented on a board. I have seen that feature on other platforms but not clickup.
Alberto Villa
Agree! I would love this. Actually it seems odd to me that Click Up won't let you do this, it is such a necessary feature.
Brian Shen
Merged in a post:
Allow boards to be moved around
Peter Feysa
Hi! I love this platform. However, the board columns cannot be moved around which is very limiting to me and what I'm trying to use it for. I hope this feature is available soon. Thank you!
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