Different statuses for tasks and subtasks
Евгений Степанов
exp: I want custom statuses for tasks and, at the same time, simple statuses for subtasks
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Caroline Ginty
Hi everyone! As we're exploring separate statuses for subtasks, we're looking for your input on what's important. Please take this 2-minute survey to share your thoughts.
Ralph Stokes
very keen to get this feature! any updates since the pinned survey above is coming up to a year old...
Rodrigo Carballo
Caroline Ginty I have responded to the survey you shared. Hopefully we receive more updates on this feature request.
Ellie Main
Can we please have an update on this?
Grainne Arif
Hi, is there an update on this yet? We really need to have different statuses for subtasks as the ones set for a Task don't make sense when applied to a subtask. Thanks
Микита Морозов
hi guys,
I would just like to confirm if you have already reviewed our input on what is important.
looking forward at hearing back! :-)
Karel VGH
Hi there, any update on this? This would be major for our high-level projects and workitem subtasks setup, many thanks in advance!
Sarah Ross
Caroline Ginty Any updates? This would be super important. I filled out the survey because this is a much needed feature, but also just want to voice my own use case...
I am using one of my lists as a Client Database and I customized the statuses to indicate the client classification (for example: Core, Involved, Participant, Recipient, Potential) and I store every bit of data I have about our people using custom fields. But sometimes we also have follow ups that need to happen on some of our clients, so I'm utilizing the Subtasks as a place to store those. Because subtasks inherit the status from the parent task, my only options to see the progress of those (sub)tasks are "core, involved, participant, recipient, potential" which don't make sense - I need those subtasks to be "to do, in progress," etc. so we can know the progress of tasks related to the client record.
I don't want to have the client records separate from the tasks that need to be done related to the client.
The only workaround right now is to update my custom status to include EVERYTHING needed for both the parent and subtask (i.e. Core, Involved, Participant, Recipient, Potential, To Do, In Progress, On Hold, Completed). But that's not clean, so I'd prefer to have those separate.
Lauren Cardinale
Sarah Ross I don't know if this is helpful but I was struggling with this as well. I created a CF called Status 2 (To Do, In Progress, Done, and Under Review) and have applied this to the subtasks and created alternate views so I can see what is where for subtasks without created an issue for the main statuses I have in place for tasks.
But this is a definite NEED for a feature as it would all be so much cleaner.
Karel VGH
Any progression? This would fit our current PMO setup in Clickup greatly.
We have Project-tasktype which hold all high-level information of a project, thus having a Project-status (e.g. New - Ongoing - Completed).
However, all the subtasks are real objectives and deliverables that need a different set of status (e.g. Assigned - Scheduled - Ongoing - Problem - Done).
Nyle Rigor
Updates on this? It would be very helplful if we can set custom status based on task type as well.
Michał Mrzygłocki
Any news?
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