Nicole Warner
Whether it's archive or delete a comment, this is an important feature to have. All of my documents are very focused and precise, and comments can be a distraction, so it's important to be able to delete them.
Nicole Warner
Commenting again because I found another comment which needs to be deleted.
Jennifer Cardenas
For us, it's important for our admins to have in case we need to delete inappropriate comments made by employees (both in tasks or chat views).
Vice President
definitely a small thing but very important at least for admins
Stephanie Henry
This is such a silly simple little feature... and I cannot tell you how many times I've wished I could delete a comment so as to "clean up" the activity on a certain task. It feels so weird/yucky to have to ASK another user to delete their comment... it makes people feel like they did something wrong. But no, they really didn't... it just means their comment was already addressed/acknowledged/solved and we don't need it hanging around in the task activity cluttering up the page. Any chance of doing this soon Brendan W ? ;-) Out of all things that admin's have "super powers" to do... why we cannot delete a comment left by someone else is an unknown to me.
Anel Korsten
Especially when instructions or training videos need to be updated
And Edit them as well providing it was annotated as an Edit by such and such admin...