Dashboard Templates
in progress
Lindsay Mills
Our team works with different divisions and brands, so we need to set up separate dashboards for each of these groups to view privately. We would love the ability to save templates for dashboards/widget setup since we need to collect the same types of information for each group but with different filters (so they can see they're specific stats.) This would help us cut down setup time tremendously within Clickup.
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Brendan W
Hey, everyone! 👋
We're excited to share that Dashboard views (and Location Overviews) will now be included in templates 🎉
When saving a template, just make sure you have "views" checked on for the included items, and you'll see the Dashboard views come across!
Stay tuned later this year when we release Dashboards as their own template type, allowing you to create a standalone Dashboard or a Dashboard view directly from a template!
Michael Brett
Hi there, just checking on when this is planned for release on the (add Dashboard Template) List Views. We have a lot of lists that I need to bring a dashboard view onto to make the team 10x more effective. Thanks!
Mike Mannarino
Michael Brett I've been using a workaround since the Dashboard View was released that might work for you until the template feature is live.
- Create a Dashboard View on a List (I created mine in a separate space that we create and keep templates)
- Add cards, adjust filters, and add whatever else you need on your dashboard.
- Click the title of your Dashboard View to bring up the context menu
- Click Duplicate View
- Click on the newly created View to bring up the context menu
- Click Move View > List
- In the floating window that pops up, search for and select the list you want the Dashboard on
- Your Dashboard View will be moved and you'll be brought to that location
- Click the title again and toggle on Set as Default View (optionally Pin the view)
- Adjust anything on your dashboard, if needed.
I use this method to create a client dashboard view as the default for each of our projects.
md shimul
ধন্যবাদ বিশেষজ্ঞদের আমি জানি আপনারা বিভিন্ন ছাইড নিয়ে কাজ করেন ধন্যবাদ মতামত দিয়া হলো
Jamie Walker
Secondly, Please include the new Overview Dashboard type as part of the Dashboard Templates.
Brendan W
Jamie Walker: Overviews should already be coming across in any templates you save :)
Robert Hudman
Thanks for the update Brendan - this is so good!
My biggest request still remains public sharing of Dashboards.
Brendan W
Hey, everyone! 👋
We're excited to share that Dashboard views (and Location Overviews) will now be included in templates 🎉
When saving a template, just make sure you have "views" checked on for the included items, and you'll see the Dashboard views come across!
Stay tuned later this year when we release Dashboards as their own template type, allowing you to create a standalone Dashboard or a Dashboard view directly from a template!
Ben Porter
Brendan W Great update, I think we can finally use the Overviews now since there's enough ability to customize them within the template!
Only issue I found is that the content of Text Block cards isn't saved in the template. So if we wanted to have a template for the text in the card it wouldn't carry over.
Dana Emanuel
Ben Porter Brendan W We have the same issue with templates for customized Dashboard cards
Brendan W
Dana Emanuel: Ben Porter Thanks for the info! We'll take a look :)
Brendan W
Louis Venter
Seems like this feature has been shipped?
Taber Wetz
Dashboards as a template would be a HUGE help as my firm has the same issue. I have a client folder template i use already so having the dashboard as a feature that is also copied as part of that template would be helpful as well.
Scott Casteel
Yes please on the Dashboards as their own template type! Would love this. I have tons of projects that I need to replicate a consistent dashboard across many projects.
Zoe Pedersen
PLEASE make it so we can save a dashboard as a template and then deploy it in other lists/folders when creating dashboards!
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