Dark mode is now too dark
under review
João Pedro Souza Rocha
In spite of being an emo, the dark mode is actually
too dark
right now. The old one was better, in my humble and emotive opinion. ThxLog In
Hey everyone, thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback on the recent dark mode changes. We truly appreciate your input and will certainly consider adding a third option in the future!
For some context, the color adjustments were made to enhance color contrast accessibility across the app, following standard guidelines like those from Radix UI Colors. Our goal is to make the app more accessible and consistent for everyone, across various areas inside ClickUp.
In the interim, before we add a third option, is there anything specific with this update that needs to be addressed immediately. As examples, task borders, buttons blending in too much with text, etc.
Thank you for your patience as we try to improve the experience for everyone.
Jason Boivin
Can we get an option to toggle high normal vs high contrast? That seems to be the way some companies are goapproacThath taken by some companies are going.
Amara Amzal
Please restore the previous Dark Mode as an option.
Luke Brown
While the context and intent was "to enhance color contrast accessibility", our teams have found that these changes have reduced readability. What are Radix's qualifications regarding contrast accessibility? Do these adjustments meet Web Content Accessibility Guideline AA or AAA standards?
Julia "Jay" Chmielewska
Begging you to change this - both modes hurt my eyes, this is so hard to work with.
Craig Anderson
We are looking at transferring from another program to ClickUp. The dark mode being so dark is a real hesitation point
Our current program has Light / Dark / Night modes. Dark is a fantastic grey/dark blue balance which is so easy on the eyes.
I'm finding ClickUp's dark mode to be hard to read at a quick glance. Would LOVE if you could please make a dark (but not black) mode. I'd sub instantly. Thank you!
Rafael Healy Chacón
It is posible to edit the CSS to "make your own theme". I used a chrome extenison to save the changes and have them load every time.
Chrome extension: User JavaScript and CSS https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/user-javascript-and-css/nbhcbdghjpllgmfilhnhkllmkecfmpld
My personal changes made:
body.dark-theme, .dark-sidebar {
--_cu-grey1100: 238, 238, 238;
--_cu-grey1000: 186, 186, 186;
--_cu-grey900: 136, 136, 136;
--_cu-grey800: 125, 125, 125;
--_cu-grey700: 113, 113, 113;
--_cu-grey600: 91, 91, 91;
--_cu-grey500: 79, 79, 79;
--_cu-grey400: 71, 71, 71;
--_cu-grey300: 65, 65, 65;
--_cu-grey200: 58, 58, 58;
--_cu-grey100: 50, 50, 50;
--_cu-grey50: 43, 43, 43;
--_cu-grey25: 36, 36, 36;
I'm also attaching excel file to easily adjust to your liking.
Stefan Depta
I find that it also differs from screen to screen. For example, the dark mode of Outlook is much better or that of Notion. My idea would be a controller that allows the different areas to be regulated individually. In other words, in color and intensity. In this way, everyone could individually see how things fit with them.
Tony Cunningham
There is not enough contrast between the different sections in dark mode. Cards on Home, pop-up to add a field to a view, pop-up modal task detail view, and many other elements all blend together, making it difficult to track visually, which slows down my workflow. Please use more shades of black/gray to make elements more visually distinct. Thank you!
Leandro Salerno
The new dark mode is too dark! It was much better before!!!!!
Dunja Zaklan
My main problem with the dark mode is that task tag colours are barely distinguishable from each other now. In the old 'grey' dark mode, I was always excited to see what new colour a new tag will be, or what colour a tag is that I have never used. The colours were iconic for the tags, I associated the colour with the word in the tag. Now, they are all sooo... muted, dull, boring even? Super forgettable.
I always use a dark theme, but I love a bright accent, otherwise, the information gets lost on the screen. New dark mode has bright colours in other places, but tags I guess were decided to be changed to this muted colour palette. Could the third "grey" mode be for those of us who like a dark theme, but don't actually want the bright colours "darkened"?
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