CSV Export Additional Data
The CSV export does not currently contain all possible data.
I would like to see more fields added to the export.
In particular comments and change logs if possible.
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Vitor Ramos
It is extremely necessary that a 'closed date' column be added
Luci N.
Merged in a post:
Export include date closed
Justin Roncal
When Exporting a task maybe we can include the date when the task is moved to closed?
Leigh Silverstein
And on import!
Libby Glancy
Please add the ability to export everything in the workspace. Big ones for us are custom fields, task dependencies, and documents, including the information on the doc view. I want our company to embrace CU, but the inability to own our data (ie export it all whenever we want) is the biggest hurdle for our Executive Director to get on board with CU.
Caroline Ginty
Merged in a post:
Include recurrence in CSV export
Mario Dieguez B.
Hello. Exporting all tasks is pretty handy, but I notice it does not include the recurring pattern field (i.e. monthly, weekly, first Saturnday, etc.).
I consider recurrence to be critical so I am creating this separate post to prioritize it even though there are other more general posts requesting CSV Export enhancements:
EDIT: Mistakes were made. I accidently updated the wrong feature request. I've edited my comment and will update the status on this canny. Sorry for getting hopes up everyone but I want to be clear with what we're actually working on. These are the two feature requests I meant to address:
- https://clickup.canny.io/feature-requests/p/import-directly-to-folders-or-lists
- https://clickup.canny.io/feature-requests/p/csv-importer-ability-to-map-all-custom-fields
Apologies again all.
Zach Parent task names!
Jānis Sējāns
Zach watcher, reporter and update date
Mario Dieguez B.
Zach Hello. Please include recurrence pattern (daily, every X weeks, etc.), if new task is to be created each time. Thanks
Shaquille Payne
Merged in a post:
CSV Import - Additional Data
Tarun Masani
* Start Dates
Nazzareno Giannelli
This is essential for our organization! we are building a large database of products, brands, finishes, designers, categories and more...not being able to correctly export list relationships and other properties is a huge issue for us. Hopefully, we will not be forced to move to another platform in order to address our needs.
Sara Doveri
I need to be able to export all data in an excel/cvs file containing all comments, checklists, documents and everything related to each task. I want my team to work with ClickUp but the absence of this feature is a roadblock for my boss. Please help!!!
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