Create Bidirectional Custom Relationships
Evyatar Gefen
Currently, when creating a custom relationships, it is only possible to link a task to another using the relationship from one of the tasks.
It would be great if you enabled the ability to create relationships which work similarly to dependencies. In dependencies, the relationship name indicates how each task relates to the other (blocking or waiting on), and the same should apply to custom relationships. So if there is a task that represents a customer, and a relationship that represents that the task is for that customer, than it should be possible to create the relationship both from the task related to the customer and from the task representing the customer itself. Each direction will have its own name. In our example it will be something like "Related Customer" and "Reelated Tasks". I do not see much use for custom relationships without this feature, as the current state does not capture any aspect of the nature of relationships (one aspect is relationships being bidirectional).
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Adding reciprocity to relationship would be a relief. Right now this just double the workload.
Pete Jackson
This is an essential feature to make custom relationships much more powerful and useful. It seems like it should be easy, and it's already supported for generic linked tasks + dependencies / blockers
Caroline Ginty
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Two-Name Relations
Esteban Ribot
One-Way Relations or Two-Name Relations
The option to have one-way relations when you're setting ClickUp as a CRM
There are cases where the relation is bidirectional like "Friends" but there are others where the relation has a different name in each direction. Examples:
* "Father of" and "Son of"
* "Branch of " & "Principal of"
* "Boss of" & "Subordinate of"
In all cases, both tasks are related, but the name of the relation changes depending on the point of view.
Turker Turken
In 2.0 view, Custom Relationship Fields were showing the other side of the Relationship But In 3.0 it became a nightmare. We were using Lists for configuration management and here's our scenario:
- Machine List
- Component-A List
- Component-B List
We create a custom relationship named "Related Machine" and use it in Component-A list. In a Component-A Task, I see "Related Machine" relationship and link a Machine there
In 2.0, when we open the Machine Task It was showing the other side of the relation as "Component-A" but in 3.0, it shows "Related Machine" again.. So, for every different component list, now I see "Related Machine" "Related Machine" "Related Machine"... Relations.. It's ridiculous.. How this kind of functionality which exists in 2.0 may be removed in 3.0.
In addition to current problems about "Custom Relationship" now we have to handle this one.. Just look at "Task Links" or "Dependencies" and please do the same approach for the "Custom Relationships".. I still can't understand how you created a total buggy "Custom Relationship" thing despite you have perfectly working algorithm in built-in ones..
Caroline Ginty
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Two-way relationships
Linley Rall
I want to use relationships to create a hierarchy:
--- Feature
--- Feature
------ User story
------ User story
------ User story
I want to link Project<>Features with a relationship
And link Feature <> User story with a relationship.
When I add a custom task relationship, eg
From the Project, I want to be able to specify all the features tasks OR from the features, specify the project task.
In both cases, I want to be editing the same "field" BUT currently in ClickUp, I'd have to create
• On the Project, a "feature" field
• On the Features, a "Project" field
because relationships aren't "two-way" by default.
This is a nightmare to maintain this common Product Development hierarchy.
The lack of this functionality makes me miss products like Azure DevOp and Jira where the hierarchy come "out of the box."
PS: Unfortunately creating SubTasks, in Side of subtasks does not create a slick experience either.
Caroline Ginty
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bidirectionally linked tasks
it would be great, if tasks were linked bidirectionally to each other. please refer to the jira mechanism.
Caroline Ginty
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Show references in lists (bidirectional task relationships)
Andron Ocean
I've got a custom relationship field for Epic that I use to select the epic to which a task belongs. (Many tasks connected to one or more epic). This works great in the list on the "task" side, since the custom field column displays the epic. But over in my Epics list, I cannot figure out a way to show a list of the tasks connected to that Epic. If I could have a rollup view like "linked tasks" for the custom relationship field that would be wonderful.
Caroline Ginty
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Different Name from each direction
James Hogg
It would be good to have bi-directional naming of the relationship, so you can have different title from each direction to inform what you are linking to.
eg: I have a list of Devices and List of Support Issues.
From the Device the relationship should be "Support Issues" and from Support Issue it should read "Devices". Currently it just allows one generic name, so need to do something like "Support Issue <> Device".
As per image the relationship is custom field on IT Support list that relates to Assets, so Devices title makes sense, but when reversed having field on the Asset called Devices does not. It just needs to have value of "Reverse Relationship Name" or something simpler. Potentially this could be added per Location if wanting most flexibility for reusing a custom field on multiple lists.
Caroline Ginty
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Show all the information in both tasks about a relationship and not only on the side where the link was created
When you add a relationship the update in the activity is only shown on one side of the relationship (in that list), while not in the other. There are a lot more examples, e.g. the field is only shown on one side in the API, etc. Since it is not a dependent task link, there should be no difference between both ends of the 2 tasks
Caroline Ginty
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Automatic Two-Way Relationships between lists
Becca at Piano Lab
When adding a relationship from one list to another list, I would like the option for the relationship to also show up on the other list (Without having to create the relationship AGAIN on the other list to see it).
For example, I have a list called "Humans" and a list called "Roles." There is a relationiship on my "Roles" list called "Person in Role." When creating this relationship, I would also like the option to add and name that relationship on the other list to "Role of Person" without having to go to the other list and add it from the other side.
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