The conditional logic feature is very useful and it certainly helps to speed up workflows. However, this feature is only available in the Business Plus plan and above.
The Business Plan is best for mid-sized teams as shown on your pricing page, but conditional logic in forms is not just used in complex workflows. It is also used in simpler workflows. Many people (including me) waited a long time for this feature so it is very disappointing that conditional logic in forms is only available in the Business Plan. For most people, there are a lot of features in the Business Plus plan that they do not use and I believe that very few people would be willing to pay $19/month just for conditional logic in forms.
Some examples of how conditional logic is used in simpler workflows
Onboarding clients
While I understand that ClickUp needs to make money, I think that conditional logic is a feature that is used by small to medium sized teams as well. I sincerely hope that ClickUp considers this request and changes its pricing.