Conditional Custom Fields (Show if based on value of another field)
Ability to show/hide custom fields based on the value of other custom fields. A simple option to "Show if" condition when creating new custom fields.
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Set required custom fields dynamically
Sreenivasa Gurani
Example: when a task is created “Due Date” may not be a required field, but when the status of the Task is changed to “In- Progress” , we would like to make the “Due Date” as required field dynamically.
Actually, even going a bit further, would be nice to still show fields, but prevent changing the value based on other field's value (set, unset, set to).
I've needed this for a long time.
I have many custom fields because each project may require them, but there are some that should only appear if a custom field has "X" value.
For example: if the custom field "project phase" is set to "1", then I will want it to show me 2 more custom fields. If not, I don't want them to appear, because they will be empty and get in the way.
I don't know how this hasn't been implemented for a long time.
Constanza Rodriguez
Same need here
Christian Langlois
Great idea! Would use that as well!
Seth Barbour
We have several flows that end in a possible Cancelled or Rejected state (such as Feedback we receive). If this happens we would very much benefit in requiring a person fill in the "Reason" custom field whenever they set the status to one of these.
Please enable a Custom Field to be REQUIRED filled when a criteria (like a specific Status is selected) is met.