We've just turned the chat function on, and it includes a chat room for everything. This has become immediately noisy, and risks chats for projects being lost and/or disjointed across multiple chats.
When enabling chat, please have them 'off' as standard and allow admins to choose what folder, list, etc has chat enabled, both when creating them, and through individual folder and list settings.
This will allow admins flexibility to turn on just one collaborative chat area for a project.
It would also be helpful to have an option to enable team-based chat at a folder/project-level, so each team involved in a project has one chat area, with all other list-level chats disabled.
Basically, please:
• Turn off all chat as default so it doesn't create a room for everything ever.
• Allow admins to choose what folders and lists have chat enabled.
• Think about how that might work at a team level.