Bulk Action Toolbar + Everything + Subtasks + Custom field undesired effects
Mario Dieguez B.
I am trying to use a tag type custom field for custom priority values (beyond Urgent, High, Normal, and Low).
I intend to have this applied throughout my workspace. So I click on Everything, pick a List view showing subtasks as separate tasks, Group by Priority.
I use subtasks ocasionally. No more than 20 tasks are subtasks of others.
Note that:
I have about a dozen Spaces with tens of Folders and Lists.
Some Spaces have custom Statuses.
So at the List view mentioned above I select all tasks with Urgent priority. The Bulk Action Toolbar shows up, click on Custom Fields, select the tag type custom field "Prioridad" (in Spanish), pick one of the values, and click Save.
There are few (around 20) Urgent or High priority tasks. So the first two batches complete successfully.
Next I select all Normal priority tasks. These are around 300.
So I go to the Bulk Action Toolbar the same way as before, but when clicking Save I get strange notifications:
"Only 3 levels of nested subtasks are possible. Select fewer levels of subtasks to make a subtask of [some task]"
These notifications are stacked, but only a couple fit in the display.
Then I get a "Different Statuses" pane at the left prompting to match Old Status with New Status. I have no idea why these prompts showed up. I close out of them.
So, as you recall, the intended result was just to have a custom field value applied to tasks throughout my workspace. However, this operation has had an unexpected effect for it has:
1- Moved tasks across lists even in different Spaces
This causes the "Different Statuses" prompt.
Say a task was in Space S1 / Folder F1 / List L1, now it got moved to Space S2 / Folder Fn / List Ln
2- Converted tasks as subtasks of other completely unrelated tasks in other Spaces.
Say there were two unrelated tasks:
S1/F1/L1/Task 1
S2/F2/L2/Task 2
Now Task 1 has been converted as subtask of Task 2.
Hundreds of tasks were affected in my case.
I am posting this to:
- Give you a heads-up warning so you don't have your tasks "shuffled" (as if by a tornado) as I have
- Recommend you export to CSV regularly (this way I could put things back)
- Receive feedback if perhaps my steps were wrong
- Ask if you can reproduce this odd behaviour (with test tasks, of course)
- See if the browser used makes any difference (I use Firefox on Windows)
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