There is a lot of talk and anticipation on Clickup 3.0. The hype was there, the reality isn't yet. That's all fine. The main reason why people seem so eager is that the currently stability of the program is lacking. My enthusiasm has also largely gone because I'm introducing it in my company and I have reported several issues already.
I understand we have to await Clickup 3.0 and the long awaited upgraded backend, however I would propose that Clickup would introduce a bug bounty program. This would be a real motivator to focus more attention to actually creating the best product instead of promising :)
I have no clue how that would best look like but I can imagine you could earn as first reporter a quarter worth of free license and second reporter a month. This way there is a real need to focus on reducing bugs.
Other ideas welcome, I was just wondering how Clickup can really benefit the pro-active nature of most of its customers plus grow into the product it should be. This is a lot of potential but it really needs to polish up a bit.