Automations - add ability to remove due date
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Daniel Dice
Does this not work for subtasks!? The issue is that when I move a parent task to a new status, the subtasks attached to it do not also change status, therefore I cant effectively trigger the "remove date".
Daniel Dice: Oh, so you want to apply actions to the parent task and all of its subtasks?
Daniel Dice
Zach: yes exactly!
Daniel Dice: Noted. That's not part of the scope of this FR but it's on my radar for sure
Salvatore Nicolazzo
much appreciation clickup team and zach! takes a load off when it comes to scheduling jobs!
Salvatore Nicolazzo: 💜
Salvatore Nicolazzo
Zach: i believe clickup is doing good things for everyone. flexibility to turn the system into anything you need it to be and the power to really cut down the effort needed to work. it really is as abraham lincoln puts it, "the sharp axe"
i know im not on the right sub for this but how are you guys going with the global chat? we are still being chained down to slack at the moment?
Hey all!
Hope this reduces the manual work you need to do! Live now for you to go play with for
- Remove start date
- Remove due date
- Remove custom field date
Enjoy! 🚀
Lamya Elhosseiny
Zach: it still not working with me
Lamya Elhosseiny: Can you refresh and try again?
in progress
Working on it 🏗️
along with remove start date and custom field date
Merged in a post:
Add action to remove start and end date
Ralph Stokes
When creating an automation, I can change due date and start date as an action but I can't just set them to nothing...
Merged in a post:
clear due date through automation
Jack Nasarzewski
when status changes (i.e.: DONE) = clear due date
Merged in a post:
Ability to clear due date in automations
Rianna Ramirez
When [status] changes, clear due date.
Merged in a post:
Clear start-due day/ set time for start-due day
If using email with start-due day it will repeatly send the email many times on that day if set the email trigger when day arrives (Many case I have to do that). So I think you should made time for setting the start-due day in the automation. This will help the email send one time only.
Moreover, for example: your first automation in a list has set the start day for the task.
Then the next automation want to clear that start day, and set the due day.
Now, there is no feature to help to clear the old start day, that make the calendar full of that task from OLD start day to new due day. So, please make that feature.
Merged in a post:
Clear Start/Due Dates
Jen Kuntz
I'd like to set up an automation such as "when I move a task to this folder/list, clear the start and/or due dates". The options around dates are setting a date but not clearing them.
Context: I track proposals and projects. On proposals the start and due dates are when I send it and when it "expires". I move the proposal to a list when approved as it becomes a project. At that point I'd like to clear the dates as they are (a) in the past and (b) not yet set/known.
Pam Blackman
Need, need, need - please, please, please. :)
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