Automatic start date/due date based on start date, due date, or duration
in progress
Mohammed Khalil
A lot of my tasks I know the start date and how long they will take (for example construction/shipping items). Right now I have to set a start date and then calculate the date the task will finish, instead of saying start on x day and go for 45 days.
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Stephanie Henry
I've always wished if looking at an open task you can just press a number and it automatically sets the due date as that X numbers of days away. I'm assuming the auto start/due dates feature I'm commenting on would be a pre-cursor to being able to use number keys as a shortcut for due dates. So here's to hoping 💖 Any chance of my request of number key as due dates shortcut coming with the auto start/due dates Juan Grandas? Or do you need a separate request for that? I don't see an option to check requests I have created, and I don't want to create duplicate requests 😊
Juan Grandas
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James Nichols
Juan Grandas, Thank you
Nathan Boyer
Juan Grandas I don't understand the dependency questions.
What does "move" mean? What is a visual link? The time between two tasks is not a quantity we are discussing. Why would task duration change how dependencies work? Changing the due date of a dependent task with durations set wouldn't be any different from now; the linked task's start and due date would slide and its duration would stay as it was.
Mathew Watson
Juan Grandas
I really think there needs to be an independent planned completion date field. Planned completion date and due date represent 2 different functions. For example. A changed start date or duration could affect your planned completion date and enable some of the automations that were suggested in the survey. However, it does not change when an task was due. Planned completion dates and due dates should be separate so that we can properly track when tasks are late.
As it currently stands in clickup I feel that due date should be changed to planned completion date and due date should be created as a separate field.
Super excited for these features being released. It is going to enable better project reporting and help with further adoption of this tool across departments.
Juan Grandas I took the survey but wanted to emphasize a point here.
For many of us, it is critical that duration is calculated in work hours, not just calendar days. If not, calculations will require constant editing in order to be useful.
Scott Urban
Mathew Watson I hadn't thought about this, but that's a great idea. I agree that the current due date functions more as a planned completion date. I suppose milestones can be used to help mark actual due dates, but there is no link to the task to tell you when something will be late.
Mathew Watson
Scott Urban, Yeah, functionally if a task needs to be pushed back for whatever reason the date needs to be pushed back to accurately reflect the new schedule. But by changing the "due date" we lose any metrics that would show that the task was late and by how much.
Alternatively, we could just leave the due date as what it was originally and it will show as late, but then it won't show the updated target or properly show in gantt view or reports etc.
Bec Morris
yes!!! I would also love the ability to set my own unique work hours without having to upgrade to the most premium clickup plan
Jason Shaffer
Mathew Watson This is a great suggestion. Right now, I mostly use “due dates” to signal when I plan to finish something, not to set a deadline for when I absolutely must finish it. That approach helps me to plan my workload and estimate when a project will be finished.
But as you note, I wouldn’t consider such tasks “overdue” if they remain open on that date. I’d rather treat as overdue only those tasks that remain incomplete on the true deadline. There are other reasons it’d be nice to separate planned completion dates and deadlines, of course , so I’d love to to see this.
Do you know if there’s already a feature request for this? If not, it’d be worth starting one, I think.
Juan Grandas
Thank you for taking the survey.
Understood. I'm aware of some of the more popular cases (tasks that take less than a workday, more granular workload distribution, etc.)
If you have a moment, would you mind providing a few example use cases to make sure we're being exhaustive.
Thank you so much!
Juan Grandas Ex1: A task has a duration of 32 work hours (or 4 work days) and starts on Thursday. Aassuming Sat and Sunday are not work days, the completion date would be the next Tuesday, not Sunday. Ex2: A task with a duration of 20 work hours (or 2.5 days) is due on Thursday. It has a dependency which slips by 8 work hours (or 1 day). The task would now be due to complete on Tuesday, not Sunday.
We have many tasks which are less than a day in duration, and we have billable hours, so we would want duration to behave accordingly. The other heavy implication here is the ability to adhere to a work calendar for the organization, or better yet for the project/space/resource. This way, whatever rules you roll out for duration and dependencies will get maximum traction. These are standard features of PM tools like Smartsheets and MS Project.
Mathew Watson
Jason Shaffer I haven't submitted a canny request, mostly because I believe this is fundamental to how durations and relationships between start / completion / due dates should work within this existing request. May be worth getting one started though, if its not to be considered for this round.
Łukasz Lis
Hello - I would want to ask if there is any chance to get that functionality soon? That would be a great option to calculate the due date based on the time needed to complete that task. I think thats great solution especially for people who usually leave their task on the last minute. According to that me as a Project Manager would have more opportunities to correctly manage the time and that also will cover me from the unjustified shifts among the deadlines. Right now we base on the real deadlines meanwhile we do not have control with the real duration of the task. That function could help us to correctly study activity times and maximize our efficiency.
Hope for the fast implementation for that function.
Adriano Fantini
Just posting to also requesting this feature - it'd be great to have and would greatly simplify day-to-day tasks
Arthur Wait
Is there a way I can join the Beta program?
Joao Bellia
Juan Grandas whats the status ?
Juan Grandas
Joao Bellia:
We’re getting close! We’re currently wrapping up interviews with a group of beta customers and refining the UX based on their feedback. Next, we’ll be prioritizing necessary fixes and follow-ups to ensure a smooth rollout.
No major blockers at this time—just some final polishing and prioritization of follow-up fixes before we’re ready to share more. Stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks, and thanks for your continued feedback and support! 💜
Brian Findlay
Hi. I am looking to use Click up to track time on tasks, and post that to the Calendar. Currently this means we have to set a start and due date, and then it 'smears' the calendar with that task all the way to the due date.
Problem is that these tasks are daily, recurrent and the due date is in reality, open ended. But you have to have them to see the time blocks appear on the calendar.
Support has suggested a workaround of making the start and due dates the same - but this means that:
1) with multiple tasks being tracked in a single day, the 'all day' portion of the calendar day will be crammed with meaningless 'all day' tasks in addition to the timed blocks appearing in the Day view.
2) I haven't tried this yet, but I am guessing if I then go in and modify the next day for those tasks, the previous days work will be disappeared - voiding what I am trying to accomplish: a history of my 'time on task'
3) This will quickly become a daily grind for no good reason: Manually editing each recurring task EVERY DAY.
Make a class of tasks that can be time tracked, and placed on the calendar with NO start or END dates. No filling of the 'all day' portion of the calendar, but do place them according to the start and end TIMES on the days they are tracked - including multiple start/end sessions within the same day.
Sekretariat AGK
I'd like to motivate the ClickUp team to implement this feature as soon as possible! It is one of the basic functions of successful project management.
I manage various projects, each of which requires specific tasks to be completed X days before the reference date, starting from a different project reference date.
I would be happy to make myself available as an SS tester.
Anton Kiebler
Juan Grandas thanks for working on this feature and your updates.
How were the beta tests? Are there any outstanding issues that would delay publication a bit? We have some managers in our company who don't like ClickUp because they had it in the previous tools and now always have to manually enter all start and due dates for their large projects. It would be important: 1. You set dependencies between tasks. 2. Determine the duration of the task and 3. if a project start date has been set, the project must be planned automatically. This makes it much easier for managers to work on large projects.
Juan Grandas
Anton Kiebler:
This is in scope for the upcoming release.
Here's a preview I just recorded for you.
Zehn Baskerville, PMP
Juan Grandas Does it automataically split the planned hours across the days? or would we have to go into each day and manually allocate hours?
Anton Kiebler
Juan Grandas Thanks for the preview! I'm looking forward to the feature.
Anton Kiebler
Zehn Baskerville, PMP If you enter a time estimate, it is already divided between the days between the start and due date.
Zehn Baskerville, PMP
Juan Grandas Last we heard from you, back in Aug 2024, you stated "This is one of our top priorities for the quarter." We are now into Q1, 25... what is the current status?
Juan Grandas
Zehn Baskerville, PMP:
Durations are fully integrated with improved dependency rescheduling, subtask remapping, weekend exclusion, and consistent scheduling across list views.
We’re in the final stretch, wrapping up final fixes over the next few weeks. No known major blockers—it’s weeks, not months! More updates soon. 🚀
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