Allow setting of ad-hoc non-working days and/or public holidays
Lee Michelle
Like other sheets, it would be good to the ability to either (1) float in the list of public holidays of a country, or (2) allow manual input of non-working days; And then highlight these days on the Gantt Chart or other views, so that in terms of scheduling, these days are not calculated in terms of billings or other matters.
It will also be using for, say in the future when you are putting in a 'Days/Hours Left' column on Gantt, then this value won't include non-working days.
Thank you.
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Nate Smith
Yes, we need this feature for project planning!
Kris Schantz
Would really like this feature, and we need to consider holidays in 3 countries. We can also create our own custom holiday schedule and update it annually. Thanks!
Jackie Fitzgerald
SMTier Admin I found 6 different posts relating to a user's ability to add blackout non-working days so workload, duration, and other calculations are more accurate. These disparate posts make this feature seem less popular than it is. Can you please merge and retally?
Amanda Staloch
Since it's been 4 years... and no comments from ClickUP, I'm guessing this is like flushing our wishes down the toilet - ARE YOU OUT THERE CLICKUP??
Robert Hudman
This is critical for our team, and becoming even more clear as we approach Christmas holiday period.
We need the ability to set time off/ non-working days per user, as well as globally during business shut down period.
When days are marked as non-working days, any task running during this period should be expanded / split to account for the days that are non-working.
This is especially important when using Gantt
Rodrigo Salvucci
It would be great if weekends and other non-working days could be skipped to take into account in automations, such as when a task is created automatically and a deadline is assigned to it
Christian Kuhn
Would be great, if weekends and other non working days can be skipped then REscheduling dependent tasks in the list view automatically
Carl Jack
Please add this option to the Sprint Workload view.
Claire Carlson
Yes - everything all the others have said, in this flexible age we have different working hour patterns for different individuals, so need to show when the are in for booking in tasks. We need to enter national bank holidays, annual leave and office closure days for reporting and to also prevent tasks being booked in these periods.
Herson Bugante
Please include a feature that will allow us to adjust business hours and public holidays for each country. Each country has its own holidays, and I hope we can have a feature that allows us to account for these holidays in our timesheets and calendars, to avoid counting days that are not supposed to be counted.
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