Add due dates to checklists
under review
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Ivan Villa
Question for everyone here: Are we looking to add due date to the checklists or the items within the checklists?
Ivan Villa, due dates for items within the checklists would be great.
Eric Hurley
Subtasks to subtask to a task is turning in to a nightmare, creating checklists as subtask is much cleaner and keeps all notes, correspondence, files, etc. under the one task. Adding a due date to checklist items would be game changing.
Rich Saunders
This would be a great addition. I'd love the option for a dynamic due date on a card that simply sets the date based off the checklist item with the soonest due date as an extra feature but due dates on checklist items would be ideal. Using subtasks feel's messy and often too much for a simple action on a certain date.
Jeremy Lintz
Just had a user ask for this today. Would be a handy addition.
Naima Booth
Absolutely!! Due dates and/or reminders for checklist action items would be amazing. There are steps that I would like to assign due dates to that are important but way too small to have their own task.
Lee Fuhr
lol this thread is over 6 years old
Pierre Paci
Is there any update on this item?
Kat Combs
Due dates at item level are most useful for us. Any progress on this Ivan Villa?
Alexis Piraina
Due date to item level is very important
Ivan Villa I would like both options for due date to be added to top-level checklist group and within checklist items. Sub-Tasks overcomplicate my small business. It's important for me and clients to experience and and to easily mark-off checklists as complete without all the fluff of sub-tasks. Thanks I hope this becomes a priority for CU.
Kayce Perdue
Yazzi 100% agree! Subtasks are too much for our use case, but we really need due dates at both checklist levels.
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