Ability to create a follow-up date and have a follow-up view in Home Section
Jon Miller
This is primarily about how tasks show up in the Home Section when they are not being actively worked on.
I often have a task stall while waiting for a client response or feedback to a design. I would like to be able to move the task to a follow-up section or temporarily invisible in the 'Today' or 'Overdue' sections until the time hits for the follow-up so that my stalled tasks aren't persisting and piling up in my todo/overdue lists.
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Dmitro Makovetskiy
A practical idea might be to use a project management tool that allows you to customize task visibility and reminders. By moving tasks to a follow-up section, you can clear up your Today and'Overdue views and focus on immediately actionable items. For additional tips on organizing your workspace and enhancing productivity, https://homery.design/ offers some excellent resources and advice
Dean Phillips
Thanks for the great suggestion, Jon Miller!
If we made it easier to create reminders from a task and have them show up in a separate card, would that help you here? (we'd also need to give you a way to not have these display under "Today/Overdue" sections)
Thibaut Decre
Dean Phillips: Wouldn't quite cut it for the use-case I have in mind personally. I'd really want to be able to run views/dashboards on this, and I'd want to see the original task it's about. (e.g. in our sprint planning dashboard to see any tasks that have an overdue follow-up)
In my experience especially with recurring tasks if you have a subtask/reminder that relationship often gets messed up when it recurs.
Jon Miller
Dean Phillips: Hey Dean, let me give it some more thought on the ideal workflow. I think that would be more of a hack than a feature, as it would require me to remove the start date and keep moving the completion dates in order for them to not build up in the todays task section, which is not ideal for a variety of reasons. I'm kind of on the same page as Thibaut on this, where it would be really nice to have a specific 'sideburner' you could check a task into and out of (that could be custom named) until they are followed up on and the project can be worked on again. it would be awesome if this time gap was reflected in the schedule history as well. I'll keep thinking about this and try to elaborate.
- The primary goal here is to not have these tasks pile up in the today or overdue tasks and not have to adjust the dates on them as they are usually long-spanning projects over a few weeks or longer that may only need a reminder to follow up once a week.
Jon Miller
Dean Phillips: By the way. I love the home dashboard - so keeping this focused on how this is represented there. I don't use custom dashboards and use this as my main point of oversight.
Brett Maes
Dean Phillips: I like the idea of a simple solution that we can add a reminder on a task (not a comment) with it's own due date.
If even possible, a reminder with a due date on a checklist item would also be useful.
Arne Nostitz-Rieneck
yes. a reminder function based on a task would be great. right now i create new tasks to follow up on a task that was previously done ("email sent") but want to be reminded to check back if they responded. or have a "check back in with contact" after a certain amount of time. WITHOUT piling up in the todos ... that would be great!
Sue Senger
Yes! This one has happened to me too. A follow-up option would be so much better.
Joshua Petrie
Idea: using a not-started task status (named Follow Up) and an automation based on the start date arriving and being that status, it would change the status back to whatever you like.
Then when you need to change something to that state, you change the start date to the desired follow up date and the status to Follow Up and the automation takes care of the rest.
Agreed! Love this idea!
Albert Gilman
This, right here. Currently we are closing tasks then having to put a reminder in out calendar to remind us to go back to it. It would be great to just have it built in.
Shannon Frieling
To achieve a similar thing I create a custom field date called Follow-Up and add a list of tasks on my Dashboard sorted by the field. However, I don't get notifications.
Daniel Webb
James: Agreed - I've solved this with a custom follow up field and have added it to my everything filter - It's a great addition.
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