Ability to comment on a Whiteboard
in progress
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Matt Leta
Hi is there an ETA on this one? Much needed!
Matt Leta: actively in the works but not yet ready for testing. I'll reach out here for Beta when we are!
Zach good morning! Any updates on this feature?
Hello Clickup team!
Any estimated time for when this option will be available?
We would like to start al our SOP maps in Clickup but this is stopping us from moving forward.
Thanks for this wonderful tool�
Ange Marchio
Hello, wondering if guests will be able to draw out and a comment to a pdf section. Trying to convince our higher ups we need the business module, if I could get rid of conceptboard we could justify the upgrade. Right now our guests comment if they need a change on our concept ad board.
Stan Just
This is a must-have feature. Without it I cannot move away from Miro :( What's the ETA on this?
Amelia Krikunova
Yes that will be usefull if your a student learning math or even teaching!
Michael D. Wilson
I like it!
We're making good progress here and I wanted to share our designs with you all! Let me know if you have any feedback for us or if this works. 🙏
Collin Bentley
Zach so long as we can also @ users in the comment, this looks great!
Collin Bentley: Yup! It will have all the same functionality as comments do in Docs and other areas in ClickUp.
Alexandra Peña
Zach I agree with Collin! This looks like a good start! Would comments always be displayed in the right hand nav bar or would users have to click into a key at the bottom navigation bar?
Alexandra Peña: here's how we're thinking it will work. You would open it when you need it
Zach when will it be available? Please save me!
Guy Mannerings
Zach Looks good! To clarify, can you click on/near an object to comment on a specific area?
So you can see there are comments dotted around on particular things, then open the threads just on those areas, or open the thread of ALL comments.
in progress
Steven Moyo
Literally choosing between FigJam, Miro, Canva for white boards and this is a critical error on ClickUp's part. Makes no sense.
Back to Canva I guess.
Steven Moyo: We're about to start working on this feature request Steven! I understand your frustration but just give us a little more time and we'll make ya happy!
Merged in a post:
Enable comments anywhere on the whiteboard and ability to tag people. Without using sticky notes or text boxes.
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