AI Agents (Feedback)
in progress
Alex Omeyer (ClickUp)
Hey everyone,
I'd love your feedback on a new feature we've been cooking up: AI Agents. It's currently in beta and available on Chat (gradually rolling out). The next iteration will introduce Agents on Lists, and much more.
I'd love to talk through it on a 15 min video call if you're up for it:
Please feel free to comment comment here as well, whatever works :)
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Alex Omeyer (ClickUp) I'd like to make the AI Agent function as a "digital twin" of role in the business, e.g. digital twin of the Social Media Manager "SMM". As such this AI Agent is where all questions that would normally be directed to the SMM would be asked. Then the human SMM would only have to review the AI Agents response to agree or correct. Assuming the AI Agent that is acting as a digital twin of the SMM, will eventually be capable of answering most, if not all, of the communication previously aimed at the human in that role.
Additionally, the digital twin for that role becomes a sounding board and assistant for the human in that role - collaborating on strategy, planning and project management.
This seems like an intermediate step before a future world when the AI Agent for a role like SMM is executed 100% by an AI Agent.
Last thought: In the above example, it would be ideal if the user (me) could tag the AI Agent, similar to how I can tag a user, i.e. @user. For example, I could comment on a task or in a chat thread, "@SMM_ai_agent is this task part of our project? Can you explain to me how this fits into our strategy?"
Dr. Bier
Adding myself to this list
Jack Dowd
Hey, everyone!
I just published a temporary survey for Agents on Chat feedback!
You can access the survey here:
At the end of the survey, you will see an option to set up 15-minute meeting with me to discuss your feedback. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Nathaniel Cassidy
Hopefully AI Notetaker is considered an agent and this is in the correct thread.
When AI Notetaker is added to a meeting it only joins at the exact start time of the meeting, unlike other notetakers that tend to join when people join the link. This makes it harder to run meetings dynamically.
This is further compounded if a meeting is rescheduled to another time, in these cases AI Notetaker doesn't join at all.
Have AI Notetaker join meetings as soon as anyone joins the meeting link. Better still give control to the meeting host to set AI Notetaker as: 'join at meeting start' or 'join when participants join'
Gordon Johansen
This looks like it would work well if you have a lot of data in your workspace. For those of us who 20 years of files that might like to draw on in a standard folder structure, it is not as useful.
It would be great to be able to choose the folders and files on our desktop for the agent to use. As a retail store, I would love to be able to use those past records to have Clickup Brain answer questions about past history and perhaps project into the future. Accessing our SQL database for sales and ordering data would be another great idea. Having the agent automatically flag items that are arriving and selling out within a week or two would allow us a much faster response time for changing minimum and maximum stock quantities, rather than have to rely on various reporting functions (that we need to remember to use).
Jack Dowd
in progress
Nat Marshik
I wrote a really long feedback comment with 3 use cases, but now Canny won't let me post it. I don't have time to edit it down to 2500 characters!
Alex can you provide your direct email and I'll send you my feedback by email?
Jack Dowd
Nat Marshik: So glad we got to meet last week! For future instances, you can reach out to and your message will automatically get routed to me if it includes AI as a topic.