Sort Comments from Oldest to Newest
Martin Melecky
By default are comments sorted from oldest to newest. When long conversation is happening, you must scroll to the bottom to see latest comment. More logical is latest comment on the top. But as everyone need is different, it will be great if everyone can set default sorting of the comments as per his needs.
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Ludányi Dóra
New comments should be at the top by defeault, it takes a lot of time to scrolling to the bottom to see the updates/ newest comment. Luci N. could you provide as a feedback about this feature? As I can see tons of different tickets are opened relating to this issue, do you sum the voters up arising from different ticket but exactly the same issue?
Luci N.
Hey, Ludányi Dóra! Great question! The product manager for this feature does take community feedback into consideration when deciding which features will be implemented! If there are duplicate feature requests, we try to locate as many as possible and merge them into one request.
I did a quick scan and didn't see any other ones that matched this, but if there are any that need to be merged, please let me know!
John Grattan
Does ClickUp use their own software? This is a daily pain for anyone using comments. How is scrolling to the bottom to see the newest comment productive and time-saving? New comments should be at the top by default.
Tomasz Nowacki
I have the same problem in chat view, it started about 6 months ago.
Why are new messages on the end of the list?
At this moment, I have to go to the end of the list each time to continue chatting.
Previously - new messages were on the top, and I could see them immediately after opening the chat...
Chad Barnard
I was just searching for a solution to this issue as well and stumbled on to this thread. It would be great to have the ability to bring the newest to the top.
Joseph Rivera
This would be a tremendous help, especially on recurring tasks where comments continue to mount.
Vincent Regnier
Echoing others as well as adding:
• The default behavior should be sort by newest comment
• Add the ability to sort comments by date (ascending or descending) on per user basis
Joseph Rivera
Vincent Regnier - totally agree!
Rebecca Hayes
This would help my team significantly as we can get upwards of 80 comments on a single task. It would be great to have the most recent comments at the top to see the most recent progress instead of comments we might have made back in January when we kicked it off!
Joseph Rivera
Rebecca Hayes - totally agree!
Jason Anguiano
This seems like an easy fix and would save a lot of time for our teams. How do we get ClickUps attention on this?
Jeff MacNeill
This would greatly improve the use of the chat view / feature. If the goal is to reduce the amount of clicking, this would be it. The irony is, that's exactly how this Canny forum functions - newest on top. It's also similar to how a lot of social media pages worked before advanced algorithms got involved - chronologically - and that caused a lot of outrage when those changed. It's also how email chains work. Old mIRC chats from 1996 operate like this current chat feature. The option to adjust sort would be unreal, but my vote if we had to pick one sort only, would be newest on top..
Please add a sort to have recent comment in top of list, too much boring to scroll to bottom of list to have information needed to work.
Project managers find comment functionnality interrested but dont use just because of bad sort display.
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